During our work, an important shift took place on the level of seeing myself. Thanks to you, your presence, sensitivity, knowledge and the accepting space that you create in your sessions, I saw what I previously considered my fault and weakness in a completely new light, as a gift that I can deepen, understand more and rediscover.
Agata Rybak
I ended up realizing something that I had always been aware of, but wasn't connecting the dots, that is until our coaching session together where I was able to hear myself describing what seemed like 2 unrelated things, and then realized that they were directly connected in terms of the obstacles I was facing.
I was very impressed, and in inspiration with Quentin's uniqueness as an individual coach and how she had her genuine self present, alert and attentive to everything I was saying.
In the end, Quentin even brought up a phrase I used at the very first start of our session. It felt comforting to experience a coach that really was truly there, present with me.
My experience was very helpful, and the questions I was asked was so meaningful to answer. It brought a lot of light and love out of me and it was almost like a refreshing recharge being that I had a long day prior to our session.
I left feeling empowering and confident in my ability to get through my issues I was presenting her with.
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